Get Involved

Participate in Earth Day! with the Bear Creek Stewards! All community members are encouraged to join in on the efforts to protect Bear Creek!

Date: April 19, 2025

Time: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Check-in: 8:30 am

Location: Nine check-in/out locations along the Bear Creek Greenway from Central Point to Ashland!

Clean-up gear is available by SOLVE and their local partners at the registration/check-in booths. However, volunteers are encouraged to bring their own supplies, including gloves and tools.

Register Here

This is a Stop Oregon Litter and Vandalism (SOLVE)-sponsored stream clean-up event. SOLVE is a non-profit organization and this clean-up initiative is part of their Adopt-A-River Program.

Additionally, the event is part of the Bear Creek Stewardship Day effort, a series of clean-up events along Bear Creek in the cities of Ashland, Talent, Phoenix, Medford and Central Point.

For a report on the last clean-up and how it has expanded over the past couple of years, click here.

Feel free to contact us with any questions you have.


A collaboration of individuals and organizations that promote a thriving Bear Creek Greenway corridor through the convergence of art, environmental stewardship, and recreation.

Guiding Principles:

The clean-up event is one part of a larger program of work by the city of Medford and its partners along Bear Creek.

That larger program is:


The Bear Creek watershed is the most urbanized area in southern Oregon. It is also one of the most water quality-limited streams in Oregon. Urban runoff, low summer stream flows, and high summer water temperatures contribute to the poor water quality.

Bear Creek is also an important fish-bearing stream with Chinook and Coho salmon and Steelhead trout. This clean-up event is creating a local community-based investment in keeping the Bear Creek corridor clean and keeping trash out of the stream.

Register Here